Tuesday, May 25, 2010


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit;
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns;
As every one of us sometimes learns;
And many a failure turns about;
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worst that


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success, they give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown. To succeed, we must have the will to succeed, we must have stamina, determination, backbone, perseverance, self-reliance and faith.

Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair. The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede victory. I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.

When the truly great people discover that they have been deceived by the signposts along the road of life, they just shift gears and keep on going. Perseverance does not not always mean sticking to the same thing forever. It means giving full concentration and effort to whatever you are doing right now - the absolute choice to greatness and the vehicle to personal and financial freedom!

True perseverance is not forced. People who are fired up don't have to push themselves to persevere. When you are excited about what you are doing, you don't have to convince yourself to "stick-to-it". You have to convince yourself not to. It's not something you have to do, it's something you want to do. With passion as a base, perseverance comes naturally.

Many men fail because they quit too soon. They lose faith when the signs are against them. They do not have the courage to hold on, to keep fighting in spite of that which seems insurmountable. If more of us would strike out and attempt the "impossible" , we very soon would find the truth of that old saying that nothing is impossible ... abolish fear and you can accomplish anything you wish.

You can become whoever you want to become in your life. You have to begin with the end in mind. You must everyday and every time reflect onto your mind the successful person you want to become in your life. By repeatedly doing that, your state of mind will be elevated onto a manifestation that would allow the creation of a powerful magnetic force in you thereby attracting all the positive people towards you enabling you to accomplish your dream in life.

You can do it gradually - day by day and play by play - if you want to do it, if you will to do it, if you work to do it over a sufficiently long period of time. Big shots are only little shots that keep shooting. Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts.

Keep on keeping on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never head of anyone stumbling on something sitting down. How can we preserve our aspirations and at the same time develop the toughness of mind and spirit to face the fact that there are no easy victories? One is a tough-minded recognition that the fight for a better world is a long one.




Monday, May 3, 2010


A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine (9) contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-metre dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win.
All, that is, except one (1) little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight (8) heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back. Everyone of them.
One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, "This will make it better." Then all nine (9) linked arms and walked together to the finish line.

Everyone in the stadium stood, and cheered and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we know this one thing: What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves. What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course. It is the teamwork that counts in life!


Pass it on ... we need to change our hearts.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Most of us aspire to become successful in life. The fact still remains that those who become successful are those who understand what FOCUS is all about. At one point of time, I told my audience, "it is the missing link" between where you are now and achieving your dream.

There is a great master coach of archery. The big day came for the competitive match, and the master has entered 2 of his most promising students, both young men. Right before the match is scheduled to begin, the great coach walks up and puts his hand on the back of the first contender and says, "Son, when you look out at the target, what do you see?" The young man says, "Coach, I see the target, the mountains behind it, the tall grassess blowing in the gentle wind, the birds soaring above, and I am ready to shoot." The coach says, "Oh, but you are not going to shoot, you are not focused."

The coach then walked towards the second young man, puts his hand on his shoulder and asked the contender, "When you look out at the target, what do you see?" The young man said, "Coach, I see only the target!" The coach replied, "Son, you'll win the match today."

In life, FOCUS is everything! For those of you who are like the first young man perhaps you have a goal, a target. You also have parenting, housekeeping, full-time jobs, part-time jobs, exercising, shopping, personal growth and development and maybe more. You lose sight of your target, your goal! Then you get discouraged and quit, putting your business on the back burner, blaming yourself, others or the situation around. The spiral begins downward until you're exhausted and can't come near your once exciting goals for a better and brighter future.

Then there are those of you like the second young man and are making your dreams come true. What's the difference? Clearly and simply, the second young man has learned to FOCUS on hitting the target. FOCUS - it's a little word, but it will make a gigantic difference in your life.

You must plan on life getting in the way, because it will. Plan for struggles. FOCUS on what you won't tolerate not achieving.

To further define the word, FOCUS, here is the motivating story ...

"One day a businesswoman looked out of her first storey office and saw a cocoon hanging out in a tree, thrashing about. As she watched it, she began to focus on it and the struggle it was having. She began focusing on the butterfly, not wanting to miss its flight from the cocoon. The next morning she found herself eager to get to her office, hoping to watch the metamorphosis. All that day she watched the creature in the cocoon struggle, and by the end of the day, she couldn't stand to watch anymore. She took a tiny straight pin and calmly walked outside and poked a tiny hole in the bottom of the cocoon. Almost immediately, the most gorgeous butterfly flew out of the cocoon and tried to fly. But it dropped to the ground, unable to fly and to soar and to live. You see, it did not complete the struggle - the struggle that forces fluid into its wings enabling it to fly."

In life, sometimes you have to struggle as part of your process in your personal growth and development. But for those who focused on goals and have clarity about that focus, wild horse can't stop you from succeeding. FOCUS on what you do want, not what you don't want.

Build people into leaders and help them become successful. You'll get what you FOCUS on. If you FOCUS on building a fabulous future for yourself and those you love, you will find that the universe will rearrange itself to accommodate your picture. Just FOCUS on your goals, on your beliefs, your commitment, your contribution, your duplication, your knowledge, your leadership, your partnership, your activity, your own business and your vision.

Success in life is about empowement and education. Reach out to the world by making use of the internet - the borderless platform. Share with all your friends around the world your focus and vision and help them accomplish their goals. Go for greatness. FOCUS on your greatness. You are better than you think you are. FOCUS on what you really, really want!

What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve! I am counting on you to build your future and the future of your loved ones utilizing the incredible and phenomenal powers of the internet. You can attain personal and financial freedom through the internet. You can have it all. FOCUS and stay FOCUS within yourself and your team.


Fear of failure or fear of rejection, like any other fear, is predominantly mental. But it may be mental based on your past experiences. You may have failed in the past. You may have been rejected a lot in the past. You may have been in a tough family or personal situation and lost some of the feeling of pride or self-worth that you once had. You may be 'expecting' to lose.

Substitute your negative sense for your positive sense. Here are the negative senses and positive substitutes:

The sense of fear.
The sense of nervousness.
The sense of rejection.
The sense of procrastination or reluctance.
The sense of justification/rationale.
The sense of self-doubt.
The sense of uncertainty.
The sense of doom.
The sense of 'I'm unlucky'.

The sense of confidence.
The sense of positive anticipation.
The sense of determination.
The sense of achievement.
The sense of winning.
The sense of success.
The sense of 'I'm certain'.
The sense of 'sunny day'.
The sense of good fortune.

In any given situation, where the chance is win or lose, succeed or not succeed, be accepted or be rejected, you must be able to recall every past success that you've ever had and dwell on that. Dwell on the fact that you can be a winner - because you have been a winner.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Your decision in joining the network marketing business is commendable and surely with concerted efforts you will achieve enduring success. It has been said, "anyone can start or begin" but only the thorough bred will "finish and succeed". Only people who put in thorough concerted effort and who are willing to pay the price of success will succeed. Do not be doubtful about yourself.

Anyone can make it BIG in the network marketing business simply because it is made available for the ordinary people to become extraordinary. Do not belittle yourself. Have faith in self. You can become whoever you want to become in your life.

The majority of people who are plodding along in mediocrity could have been grand successes had they discovered themselves, had they learnt to close the door to doubt. To prevent doubt from getting into you, reinforce your burning desire, expectation and commitment towards yourself. Doubts are traitors to all successes in life!

There are millions of people in the world today who have splendid ambitions, who have made resolutions to carry out those ambitions, but who are cowering victims of doubt, which keeps them from making a start. They are just waiting. They are unable to make a beginning while this monster stands at the door of their resolution. They are afraid to burn their bridges behind them, to commit themselves to their purpose.

At the very outset of your network marketing career it is a splendid thing to make up your mind that you are going to be a conqueror in life, that you are going to be the King of your mental realm and not a slave to any treacherous enemy, that you would choose the wisest course, and no matter how forbidding or formidable the difficulties in the way, that you will take the turning which points toward the goal of your ambition, no matter who or what may bar your onward path.

Don't let doubt balk your efforts. Don't let it paralyze your beginning and make you a pygmy so that you will not half-try to make good when you have a waiting giant in you. Confidence, self-assurance, self-faith - these are the great friends that will kill the traitor doubt.

Doubt breeds procrastination, it defers decision and causes us to vacillate. Once you have all the facts, make prompt decision a habit. Learn to clear your mind of doubt by counter-thought, the belief that you can do and that you will do. All successful men or women have been those who have replaced the doubt thought with thoughts of cheerfulness, courage, faith in self, optimism, confidence and success.

Network marketing is the wisest decision you have made. Strive forward and reach out to everyone globally and lend support to those who deserve to be helped. Practice the law of giving. Work closely and communicate well with everyone within your organization and see to their needs.



Goals are extremely important in our lives. You have to be in control of your life and not allow your current situation to take control over you. Accept change to come into your life immediately if you are not experiencing progress in your life.

Here are some wise directions you may take to control your life:-

Crystallize Your Thinking:
Determine what specific goal you want to achieve in your life. Then dedicate yourself to its attainment with unswerving singleness of purpose, the trenchant zeal of a crusader.

Develop a Plan for Achieving your Goal and a Deadline for its Attainment:
Plan your progress carefully; hour by hour, day by day, and month by month. Organized activities and maintained enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power. Determine your weekly, monthly and yearly goals.

Develop a Sincere Desire for the Things You want in Life:
A burning desire is the greatest motivator of every human action. The desire for success implants "success consciousness", which in turn creates a vigorous and ever-increasing habit of success.

Develop Supreme Confidence in Yourself and Your Own Abilities:
Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses ... on your powers, instead of your problems. Everyone is a born winner. You can when you believe you can!

Develop a Dogged Determination to Follow Through on Your Plan:
Regardless of obstacles, criticisms or circumstances or what other people say, think or do. Construct your determination with sustained effort, controlled attention and concentrated energy. Opportunities never come to those who wait ... they are captured by those who dare to attack.

It is my honest believe that when you practice the above you will be able to attain ultimate success in your life. You are on the road to accomplish your dream.



Regardless of public conception or how the dictionaries might described the word "enthusiasm", it is nothing more or less than faith in action. Enthusiasm comes from the two Greek words"en" and "theos", which mean "in" and "God". Enthusiasm is the propellant we receive when we tap the power within. Enthusiasm is the radiant power which we process when we know who we are, what we can do and where we are going in our lives.

Enthusiasm is usually confused with "animated feeling". Animated feeling refers to that feeling which is full of life, vivacious, vigorous and possessed with action or spirit produced by external forces. Animated feeling can be turned on and off like an electric light - but not enthusiasm. In order to become successful in life, you must possessed enthusiasm and not animated feeling.

True success requires great amount of enthusiasm and not animated feeling, simply because the latter does not last. Just like network marketing - you need a great amount of enthusiasm in order to become successful simply because enthusiasm is contagious.

Enthusiastic force is steady - not wavering. Great orators captivate their audience by the protrayed feelings of their enthusiasm. Through this force, master salesmen easily convey to their customers, the faith which they have for their service or product. More often than not it is the degree of clergyman's enthusiasm, rather than oratory skill that determines whether his sermons are "dry", or "spirited and moving".

Enthusiasm is the solid faith in a first cause, solid faith in one's self and the rooted belief in one's life work. Enthusiasm is a force of character - inward power. It imports such a concentration of the will upon the realization of a worthwhile idea as to impel it onward over the next gigantic barrier or to crush every opposing force that stands in the way of its triumph.

Enthusiasm knows of nothing but success. With enthusiasm, you will accomplish your dream in life.


Network marketing have changed my life and I believe it can change yours too for the better. You ain't seen nothing yet!

Many of us sad to say lack determination in pursuing their goals. They failed even before they begin! For those of you who are still pursuing your dreams in the network marketing industry I must congratulate you for sticking on because you ain't seen nothing yet. Network marketing is a platform for ordinary people to become extraordinary. Be determined in what you have recognized and embraced. The network marketing industry will certainly provide the leverage to take you wherever you want to be.

The secret of success for every promising endeavor is getting up again whenever you fall. Be determined and you will overcome every adversity that comes before you. Treat them as stepping stones towards another step nearer to your goal. The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination. When you know what you want and you want it badly enough, you will find the ways to get it. You have to be singled-minded and stayed focus until you arrive at your goal. Be like a postage stamp, stick tp it until you get there.

We can learn to soar only in direct proportion to our determination to rise above the doubt and transcend the limitations. What this power is I cannot say: all I know that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what wants and is fully determined not to quit until he arrives at his goal.

To further inspire and motivate you, take your time to read the story of SYLVESTER STALLONE and put the similar principle to practice in your life.

Story of Sylvester Stallone
Determination best describes what it took for Sylvester Stallone to achieve his phenomenal success. As a child, Stallone was frequently beaten by his father and told that he has no brains. He grew up a loner and emotionally anguished. He was in and out of various schools. An advisor of a university told him that, based on aptitude testing, he should pursue a career as an elevator repair person.

He opted to pursue an acting career, but his imbalanced life produced one failure after another. Stallone remained determine to learn the profession, using his acting failure to also try his hand at writing. His undying determination through thick and thin allowed him to see setbacks as stepping stones. "You see, said Stallone, success is usually the culmination of controlling failures."

Stallone was inspired one night by watching MOHAMMED ALI fight CHUCK WEPNER. The excitement of the crowd watching the underdog go the distance awakened his talent and allowed Stallone to write ROCKY script in just three and a half days.

Stallone's writing reflected his own determined efforts to find emotional, physical and mental balance in his life. In ROCKY I, Rocky Balboa trained and prepared his body and mind to go 15 rounds. He did not win the fight but won the hearts of the crowd by reaching his goal. ROCKY II developed around a fighter determined to win the world championship - and he did. Perhaps ROCKY III best captured Stallone's desire to find himself. Rocky Balboa grew soft and lost his crown. His determination to develop his talent and remain the best was extinguished by the comfort of good life. Rocky's one time foe, Apollo Creek, inspired and challenged him to get back on track. Rocky returned to the sweaty gym, revitalized his winning hunger and ultimately regained his world championship.

Through time, determination and effort, SYLVESTER STALLONE built a life, a career and a future.

My beloved friends, follow the footsteps of SYLVESTER STALLONE, you will become whoever you want to be.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Many of us ventured into the network marketing business and desired to become successful but got burnt even before they got started. This is indeed very sad and disappointing though. However, the network marketing industry has produced not less than 20% of all millionaires in the United States of America. Therefore, it is an undoubted fact that network marketing is the greatest opportunity on planet earth.

Networking is choosing interdependence over isolation and realizing the power of cooperation over competition. Those who are truly masterful at networking know how to connect with the people and share their power. You can increase your peoples' powers by understanding and realizing the following 12 Peoples' Powers principles.

The 'boomerang effect' of giving is the guarantee of networking. A boomerang always comes back because that is the design of the instrument. In the same way, what you give always comes back in some form because this is the design of the law of giving. However, the only way the boomerang can return is if someone first take action and throws the boomerang. Giving is a powerful way to activate your network, because human nature inherently provides the desire to respond in kind. Get your 'giving power' into action. Pass along support and information to others. Then all you have to do is watch for that boomerang and catch it on its return.

Make a powerful and mature shift from the mental state of 'I CAN DO THIS ON MY ON' to 'I HONOR THE POWER AND RESULTS THAT ARE ACCOMPLISHED FROM WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH OTHERS'. Expand your thinking beyond yourself - the 'I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN' mentality limits your outreach and effectiveness as a networker. Many of us need to re-train ourselves to think positively about interdependence. Think of yourself as a multi-dimensional entity of resources and contacts. Who you are consist of all of your life experiences and the people who influence who you are as a person. You are larger than what you see in the mirror. You are a culmination of connections that provide an unlimited source of knowledge and opportunities.

Praise calls attention to the good, the helpful and the positive. By praising yourself and others, you bring people to a higher level of energy and awareness. Humans thrive on positive reinforcement. There are 2 ways to regularly acknowledge people in your network: speaking in person or over the phone and sending notes or emails. Make sure you are sending and receiving positive feedbacks in your life on a daily basis. Sprinkle the word 'THANKS' throughout your day.

Tell people specifically how they influence your life in a positive way. Handwritten notes convey the personal touch we often yearn for in our society - you'll brighten someone's day and maintain your own attitude of gratitude. My favorite story about sending notes is from someone who attended a musical performance and sent the performer a one-word note: 'STUNNING'. That person's experience and appreciation was so eloquently and beautifully conveyed with that one word!

Everyone has a vast and powerful network. However, for some people the connections have become weak and rusty from neglect. Clean up those communication connections so that you can network with all the people in your life in an easy, natural and consistent manner. Networking is as simple as friendship and as complex as matchmaking. It is about people being there for one another. People are much more likely to be 'people loyal' and your network will naturally grow and blossom as you strengthen and nurture your relationships. Never underestimate the power of your contacts.

Staying in touch with people is what keeps your relationships close and connected. All of us at times get busy and even though we think of giving someone a call, often times we don't follow through on the thought. Make a point to call people to stay in touch and re-connect. Focus on calling at least one person a week to wish them well or see how they're doing. Call someone you have not talk with in a long time and let them know you are thinking of them. Networking simply happens through conversation, yet someone has to be willing to reach out and initiate the conversation.

You are a wealth of information, ideas and contacts. You must believe that this is true, and train yourself to think and respond as someone who offers value. A positive sense of self, an awareness of the value you can be to others, and a positive attitude, all contribute to your success in networking. Identify your goals in all areas of your life and utilize your resources to assist you in accomplishing those goals with more ease, fun and efficiency.

Small talk is a style of conversation that allows people to get to know one another in a non-threatening manner. Small talk is not insignificant chitchat. It is the exploratory stage in conversation that leads to discovering commonalties and opportunities. Learning to approach people with confidence is a professional skill. It is not about making people talk or cornering people on elevators, but about your ability to open the doors to conversation with the people right around you.

When you focus on putting people at ease and show an interest in learning more about others, small talks lead to connection, trust and rapport. Have you ever noticed yourself in a conversation that seems to be going nowhere? Then all of a sudden you find that you have something in common with the other person and the conversation takes off! Be interested in and curious about people. Most people are waiting on someone else to make the conversation interesting. Remember that you are part of the conversation, and you have the power to direct the conversation to a topic that is of interest and value. Opportunities exist all around you - wherever people are, networking is possible.

Listening is the heart of communication, but most people listen as if listening is simply a matter of not talking. Listening is about being mentally engaged in what the other person is saying. Masterful listening means giving your full attention to someone else to create a connection that goes beyond the words that are being said. It is through listening that people connect and develop trust and rapport. It's more than just hearing the words. Listening and responding to your clients or prospects when there is nothing in it for you will strengthen your relationships with them and reap reward yourself in the future. Also, listen for what non-business needs you can fill. There are many opportunities to do this: recommending a mechanic, a florist, a dentist, and a travel agent. The sale is just the beginning in building a client relationship that would lead to a lifetime of repeat business and referrals.

Are you one of those people who grew up hearing the phrase, 'DON'T TOOT YOUR OWN HORN!' and responded by going to other extreme? If so, it's time you learned to speak up! You don't have to brag or be aggresive; however, you must learn to speak with pride and confidence about who you are and what you have to offer. Always speak to the value and benefit of what you provide people. Most people introduce themselves by merely giving their name, title, and the name of their company. To connect with people, you must include in your introduction a phrase or tagline that helps people to relate to what you can do for them.

People are often hesitant to ask for help or information for fear of rejection or concern about bothering people. In reality, most people are flattered and are glad to help, but you have to be the one to open the door and give them permission. The power of asking is that it builds relationships and allows people to get involved in creating opportunities. Asking for help and information is a way of including people and actually acknowledging for the contribution or knowledge they have to share. There are so many contacts available to you from the people who are all around you.

When you notice yourself thinking, 'I HAVE CONTACTED EVERYONE I KNOW', think again. Everyone has anywhere from 250 to 3,000 contacts. If you know 250 people and each of those people knows 250 people, then at the 2nd level of your network are more than 64,000 people! Every person you know could be a resource for an influential, life-changing contact with someone. Don't ever think you've contacted everyone there is to contact. You have the choice and opportunity to have your network lead you to resources beyond your imagination.

The difference between a mediocre networker, who occasionally produces results and experiences sporadic satisfaction and gratification, and a master networker is the leve of commitment they have. That comes from a deep awareness of the long-term value of networking. Is networking a good idea? Absolutely! It is the most cost-effective marketing tool for growing your business and reaching an endless stream of influential contacts. But there is also documentation that people who have a strong support system tend to live longer and recover more quickly from illness.

With commitment, these principles become a natural part of who you are. Good ideas are not the basis of results you produce in your life - your daily actions and habits are. Making a commitment to yourself, your relationships, and these principles is the most powerful step you can take toward a life of richness.

Networking is like a treasure hunt. With a treasure hunt, you know there are jewels out there, you just don't know where, and the fun is finding the jewels. With networking, there are jewels out there everywhere - you just don't know where! So you meet this person, talk to that person, go to this meeting, call another person ... and sometimes nothing will happen until all of a sudden you find one of those jewels! And sometimes those jewels show up in the most unexpected places. Let your life be a treasure hunt! Let it be fun. Let it be an exploration, and I guarantee you'll have a life full of jewels!


Most people failed before they even began in network marketing because they never had a GOAL. They do not know exactly where they are going. How could they possibly reach a destination when they do not even know where the destination is? When they do not have a GOAL, they are unable to measure their distance and as such any plan of action is futile.

Set your GOAL. Be honest with yourself. In actual fact, the acronym 'G-O-A-L' has its own meaning and focus. 'G' stands for GENUINE. 'O' stands for OPTIMISM. 'A' stands for ATTITUDE. 'L' stands for LEVERAGE.

Determine GENUINELY and be truthful to yourself the GOAL you wish to accomplish. Only by determining what you really want within a specific period of time, can you then arrive at your GOAL. After you have determined your GOAL, you must OPTIMISTICALLY believe that you can accomplish your GOAL. You must immediately picture in your mind the person of your Goal at the commencement of your struggle towards the attainment of your GOAL.

BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND. You must repeatedly through auto-suggestion flash onto your mind the person of your GOAL that you want to be. Only then, you would be able to create an obsession possible of creating a manifestation that could transform into a magnetic field thereby attracting all the positive forces towards the attainment of your GOAL.

Your ATTITUDE towards seeing yourself becoming successful must be enhanced and embeded into your mind. If you have not got that, you have to change your ATTITUDE accordingly. Change your ATTITUDE and you can change your life! Reiterate to yourself repeatedly every time and anytime that you could become the person of your GOAL that you want to be. When you can control your ATTITUDE, you can control your life! When you want success, you can have success!

It is imperative that you must be serious and committed to set your GOAL. You must inevitably believe that your GOAL could be able to LEVERAGE you to wherever and whoever you wish to be.

Successful people truly BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.


I believe you have set your goal and made the commitment to work the extra-mile so as to enable you to reap the successes you set-forth in your life. Remember, as long as you have understood the 3 fundamental ingredients of success namely desire, goal and commitment, you are able to achieve unwavering success and accomplish your dream.

Things do not just happen; things are made to happen. To become successful you must be a person of action. Merely to 'know' is not sufficient. It is necessary both to know and do. To mobilize yourself, decide what you want, determine what will get you what you want in your life. Do what will get you what you want most to achieve in your life. You can, when you believe you can!

Suppose you had 5 birds sitting on a wire and 3 of them decided to fly. How many birds would you have left on the wire? Answer: 5 birds remain. Making a decision to fly without acting on the decision is a waste of energy. The momentum to do something about our decisions is energized by action.



Affability, Benevolence and Humility.

Everyone aspires to become successful and accomplishing personal and financial freedom. You have to understand with commitment and conviction the 3 fundamental traits of success which is affability, benevolence and humility.

The proper conception of the aforesaid would enable you to take a progressive step towards the attainment of your goal. It is inevitable especially in the network marketing industry - people to people business.

An affable person is one that is not difficult to approach or talk to because of his polite and friendly being. He is "down-to-earth" as the expression goes - not aloof or beyond the normal means of communication.

Affability is the jeweled ornament that will carry one far in the world. This trait is indispensable to all who wish and aspire to become successful. It should be indispensable to all in all forms of social relationship.

An affable person meets with all people on a common level. Confucius said, "Behave towards everyone as if receiving a great guest!" The greatest successes possessed this faculty for communication with all people. We have got to believe in affability and we have got to practice it constantly if we are ever lay claim to it as one of our virtues.

Artificial affability might fool some of the people some of the time but to most people it's as apparent as a counterfeit coin. He who bows and scapes to the rich, or the man of position or power, is but an actor. Some are good performers but most reveal their feigned appearance.

Permanent success can often times be predicted by how a man acts when he first tastes success. If his achievements or money goes to his head, if he becomes aloof, snooty and out of communication from the common man, you are safe in giving odds that his success is but temporal. The seeds of enduring success is not in him.

Benevolence is the desire to do good for others. Doing good is the only certain happy action of a man's life. The real successes of life take others along with them. They are not stingy, self-centred and narrow individuals. No man can be truly rich who is selfish.

Be liberal with practical wisdom for those who are struggling to succeed. Be generous with words of encouragement for the discouraged. When you help another to higher heights, you have elevated yourself that much higher too.

Goodness to others is a manifestation of your godliness and love that within. Goodness is an expression of your worthiness. To do good in the world is to progress in the world. We should never attach expectation of personal reward to our acts of benevolence.

The benevolence of some wealthy individuals is limited to the erection of imposing monuments for themselves. Still others will give certain segments of depressed society if there is personal gain to be had from the publicity surrounding their "generous giving". Those men are not benevolent men by any stretch of the imagination. Their dollars might stand tall but they are dwarfs in comparison - pygmies of manhood.

The flower pours forth its perfume to all. It does not open its petals to some and close them to others. Its fragrance is given forth for all to enjoy. So, too, the goodness of our godliness should benefit all humanity. A loving heart should reflect with a true spirit of goodness toward all people. A large heart of charity is a noble thing, but the most benevolent should live nearest to God. Selfishness is the root of evil; benevolence is its cure. In this world it is not what we take up but what we give up that makes us rich.

People who parade their virtues seldom lead the procession. Humility and modesty are synonymous. Humble men and modest women recognize that the real power in the world is the same power resident within all; their true sense of values is not misdirected toward the temporal goods of life, but rather to the enduring and everlasting qualities.

Humility is inevitable because we are dealing with all types of people. If you put your own status more important than others, then, it would be difficult to attain success in life. Humble men and modest women are more often than not loved and cherished by their followers.

Therefore, it is of vital importance inevitably for anyone who aspire to become successful in life, embraced and practiced the 3 fundamental traits of success, vis-a-vis, affability, benevolence and humility.

Practice the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would like others do unto you!"


Most people possessed determination and perseverance but yet they could not accomplished what they set-forth in their lives. They all wonder why ... "Why I cannot become successful?"

The answer lies within each individual. You must turn your desire for success into a fireball. It has to become an obsession within you. When you have a burning desire, you will not only be on fire but you could ignite anyone who comes near you.

Desire motivated inventors like Thomas Edison to dream of a lamp that could be operated by electricity. Despite 10,000 failures, he relentlessly pursued his venture. Desire creates the power. Desire is the unexpressed possibility within you, seeking expression without, through your action. You do not succeed because you do not know what you want, but because you do not want it intensely enough.

The difference between desire and drive is the difference between expressing yourself and proving yourself.

Desire alone is not enough. But to lack desire, means to lack a key ingredient to success. Many a talented individual failed because they lack desire. Many victories have been snatched by the underdog because he wanted it more. So if you desire intensely and you act upon it, then everything stands within your reach.

Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It is a strengthening of his powers to accomplishment. A passionate desire and an unwearied will can peform impossibilities or what may seem to be such to the cold, timid and feeble.

Not only must you know what you want, but you must really want what you want - if you are to get what you want.

Therefore, it is inevitable that you must realize that the fuel to ultimate success is found within you. Your burning desire will see you through to ultimate success in life.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How do I become the successful person I dream about, and deserve to be?

The real answer is set achievable goals.

Where will I be one year from today?

Where will my sales be?

How will I get there?

Are my real-world goals established?

Are they written down?

Definition of a goal = A dream with a plan and a deadline.

Reasons why people don't achieve their goals:

1. Failure to write your goals down and post them in plain view.

2. Failure to make a plan to achieve the goals.

3. Failure to commit, or live up to the commitments they made.

4. Failure to make goals that were achievable in the first place.
These seem pretty easy to overcome, but studies show that more than 74% of our adult society doesn't even put thier goals in writing.
How to set goals?

1. Identify it.
Write your goal(s) down clearly. Write exactly what you want to achieve ... in the most specific terms possible.

2. Date it.
Put a date (and a time limit) to start the goal, and finish it. Unless you commit to a start and target an end, your ability to achieve any goal is questionable.

3. List the obstacles to overcome to achieve your goal.
Identification of obstacles will help prevent them from occuring.

4. List the groups and people to contact who will work with you and help you ahieve your goal.
People will help you if you ask.

5. Make a list of the skills and knowledge you need to have to achieve your goal.
Do you have them, or do you need to acquire them? Make a plan to acquire or hire the knowledge or skills you need.

6. Make (and write down) an action plan for each goal.
The more specific and detailed your plan is, the more likely you are to enact it.

7. List the benefits of goal achievement.
What's in it for me after I achieve this goal? What's my incentive? Is my incentive strong enough to ensure achievement?

8. Take action every day.
It only takes ten or fifteen minutes a day to chip away at goal achievement. Make a personal commitment to act on your goals ... and live up to that commitment every day.

Goal achievement is up to you. Your self-talk, self-visualization, and self-determination are 90% of the achievement process. The big secret of goal achievement is to figure out "the daily dose." Determine how much you need to do each day to reach your goal in short steps. An amount you can measure. An amount you can achieve.


Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow. You are responsible, not your mother, not your father, not society, not capitalism, and certainly not the circle of friends or business associates around. The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome machine ever created: "the human mind". No computer can come close to duplicating the goal setting, goal seeking, goal-attaining mechanism of the human mind.

Success is a choice not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice. Success is not only reserved for the extraordinary gifted people, it is available for those who seek it with a commitment and vision.

You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem. Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for, their lives. They are the perennial victims and martyrs. They are leaves tossed by the winds of chance blown about by any sudden change in the weather.

You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible. Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. Thoughts and beliefs cause everything. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe.

One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. One's success is dependent upon one's level of confidence. We are responsible for thinking confidently about ourselves and the attainment of our goals. Whatever the conscious mind accepts as true and chooses to believe, the subconscious will be driven to achieve. We are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe.

Our attitudes and actions are a result of habits ingrained in us over a period of time. We are responsible for either reinforcing good habits or unlearning bad habits and consciously replacing them with consistently practiced good habits.

If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting and nurturing the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks.

In short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success. If you fail to accept this basic tenet, no success system or formula will pull you out of the hole you have dug for yourself. Acceptance of responsibility is the crucial starting point of a successful life.
None of the practical techniques for achievement are of value unless you first realize that you can take control of your life. You will not set a definite goal, with a plan for its attainment on a certain date, unless you realize that you will take control of your life by doing so. If you believe that you are totally controlled by fate, your enviroment or other external forces, then you most certainly will be ruled by these forces. All causation is mental, and you can control your thoughts.





We are where we are because that is exactly where we choose to be. It is the decision and action that we have made before that ascertain where we are today. Where we are tomorrow or in the future will depend on the decision and action we made today. It is the rule not the exception. We all know of exceptions, to be sure, which have been caused by accident, prolonged illness or measures beyond our control.

Success is no accident. Failure is also no accident. Success and failure are the result of choices that we have made and actions that we have taken. There are no accidents. We alone are responsible for our choices, past, present and future! You are whatever you are because of what you have allowed through your mind in the past. You will be tomorrow whatever you choose to be because of what you allow through your mind from this moment.

Generally speaking, however, the rule holds true that we are, at this very moment, upon whatever rung of the ladder of life we have chosen to be upon. We are either progressing up the ladder or stepping aside, to let others pass us by, or moving downwards, depending upon our ambitions and aspirations.

In all probability, we are where we are because we have not aspired to rise higher in the world. What is more worthy of achievement than to live up to the larger self of our being? If we were born to succeed - if successful achievement is our birthright, why then, have we not climbed to the loftiest heights? The truth is that we establish our own ceiling of possibilities by our ambitions and aspirations.

Out of the lowest depths there is a path to the loftiest heights. This is true, but most people do not know why. We place lowly limitations upon our ability to succeed by looking without instead of the within of us. We thwart opportunity by self-imposed limitations.

Too often our ambitions and aspirations are based upon yesterdays and yesteryears. Forget the past. They died when today was born. Let the dead rest in peace.

We can aspire to succeed in life only when we recognized the importance of our being. This is the greatest education that a human being can receive. If you are worthy of great achievement, why not then aspire to attain it? If you are meant for whole living, why be satisfied with half-life? Broaden your horizon - raise your sights - aspire and succeed to accomplish your life dream!