Sunday, April 25, 2010


We are where we are because that is exactly where we choose to be. It is the decision and action that we have made before that ascertain where we are today. Where we are tomorrow or in the future will depend on the decision and action we made today. It is the rule not the exception. We all know of exceptions, to be sure, which have been caused by accident, prolonged illness or measures beyond our control.

Success is no accident. Failure is also no accident. Success and failure are the result of choices that we have made and actions that we have taken. There are no accidents. We alone are responsible for our choices, past, present and future! You are whatever you are because of what you have allowed through your mind in the past. You will be tomorrow whatever you choose to be because of what you allow through your mind from this moment.

Generally speaking, however, the rule holds true that we are, at this very moment, upon whatever rung of the ladder of life we have chosen to be upon. We are either progressing up the ladder or stepping aside, to let others pass us by, or moving downwards, depending upon our ambitions and aspirations.

In all probability, we are where we are because we have not aspired to rise higher in the world. What is more worthy of achievement than to live up to the larger self of our being? If we were born to succeed - if successful achievement is our birthright, why then, have we not climbed to the loftiest heights? The truth is that we establish our own ceiling of possibilities by our ambitions and aspirations.

Out of the lowest depths there is a path to the loftiest heights. This is true, but most people do not know why. We place lowly limitations upon our ability to succeed by looking without instead of the within of us. We thwart opportunity by self-imposed limitations.

Too often our ambitions and aspirations are based upon yesterdays and yesteryears. Forget the past. They died when today was born. Let the dead rest in peace.

We can aspire to succeed in life only when we recognized the importance of our being. This is the greatest education that a human being can receive. If you are worthy of great achievement, why not then aspire to attain it? If you are meant for whole living, why be satisfied with half-life? Broaden your horizon - raise your sights - aspire and succeed to accomplish your life dream!


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