Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Your decision in joining the network marketing business is commendable and surely with concerted efforts you will achieve enduring success. It has been said, "anyone can start or begin" but only the thorough bred will "finish and succeed". Only people who put in thorough concerted effort and who are willing to pay the price of success will succeed. Do not be doubtful about yourself.

Anyone can make it BIG in the network marketing business simply because it is made available for the ordinary people to become extraordinary. Do not belittle yourself. Have faith in self. You can become whoever you want to become in your life.

The majority of people who are plodding along in mediocrity could have been grand successes had they discovered themselves, had they learnt to close the door to doubt. To prevent doubt from getting into you, reinforce your burning desire, expectation and commitment towards yourself. Doubts are traitors to all successes in life!

There are millions of people in the world today who have splendid ambitions, who have made resolutions to carry out those ambitions, but who are cowering victims of doubt, which keeps them from making a start. They are just waiting. They are unable to make a beginning while this monster stands at the door of their resolution. They are afraid to burn their bridges behind them, to commit themselves to their purpose.

At the very outset of your network marketing career it is a splendid thing to make up your mind that you are going to be a conqueror in life, that you are going to be the King of your mental realm and not a slave to any treacherous enemy, that you would choose the wisest course, and no matter how forbidding or formidable the difficulties in the way, that you will take the turning which points toward the goal of your ambition, no matter who or what may bar your onward path.

Don't let doubt balk your efforts. Don't let it paralyze your beginning and make you a pygmy so that you will not half-try to make good when you have a waiting giant in you. Confidence, self-assurance, self-faith - these are the great friends that will kill the traitor doubt.

Doubt breeds procrastination, it defers decision and causes us to vacillate. Once you have all the facts, make prompt decision a habit. Learn to clear your mind of doubt by counter-thought, the belief that you can do and that you will do. All successful men or women have been those who have replaced the doubt thought with thoughts of cheerfulness, courage, faith in self, optimism, confidence and success.

Network marketing is the wisest decision you have made. Strive forward and reach out to everyone globally and lend support to those who deserve to be helped. Practice the law of giving. Work closely and communicate well with everyone within your organization and see to their needs.


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