Monday, April 26, 2010

Affability, Benevolence and Humility.

Everyone aspires to become successful and accomplishing personal and financial freedom. You have to understand with commitment and conviction the 3 fundamental traits of success which is affability, benevolence and humility.

The proper conception of the aforesaid would enable you to take a progressive step towards the attainment of your goal. It is inevitable especially in the network marketing industry - people to people business.

An affable person is one that is not difficult to approach or talk to because of his polite and friendly being. He is "down-to-earth" as the expression goes - not aloof or beyond the normal means of communication.

Affability is the jeweled ornament that will carry one far in the world. This trait is indispensable to all who wish and aspire to become successful. It should be indispensable to all in all forms of social relationship.

An affable person meets with all people on a common level. Confucius said, "Behave towards everyone as if receiving a great guest!" The greatest successes possessed this faculty for communication with all people. We have got to believe in affability and we have got to practice it constantly if we are ever lay claim to it as one of our virtues.

Artificial affability might fool some of the people some of the time but to most people it's as apparent as a counterfeit coin. He who bows and scapes to the rich, or the man of position or power, is but an actor. Some are good performers but most reveal their feigned appearance.

Permanent success can often times be predicted by how a man acts when he first tastes success. If his achievements or money goes to his head, if he becomes aloof, snooty and out of communication from the common man, you are safe in giving odds that his success is but temporal. The seeds of enduring success is not in him.

Benevolence is the desire to do good for others. Doing good is the only certain happy action of a man's life. The real successes of life take others along with them. They are not stingy, self-centred and narrow individuals. No man can be truly rich who is selfish.

Be liberal with practical wisdom for those who are struggling to succeed. Be generous with words of encouragement for the discouraged. When you help another to higher heights, you have elevated yourself that much higher too.

Goodness to others is a manifestation of your godliness and love that within. Goodness is an expression of your worthiness. To do good in the world is to progress in the world. We should never attach expectation of personal reward to our acts of benevolence.

The benevolence of some wealthy individuals is limited to the erection of imposing monuments for themselves. Still others will give certain segments of depressed society if there is personal gain to be had from the publicity surrounding their "generous giving". Those men are not benevolent men by any stretch of the imagination. Their dollars might stand tall but they are dwarfs in comparison - pygmies of manhood.

The flower pours forth its perfume to all. It does not open its petals to some and close them to others. Its fragrance is given forth for all to enjoy. So, too, the goodness of our godliness should benefit all humanity. A loving heart should reflect with a true spirit of goodness toward all people. A large heart of charity is a noble thing, but the most benevolent should live nearest to God. Selfishness is the root of evil; benevolence is its cure. In this world it is not what we take up but what we give up that makes us rich.

People who parade their virtues seldom lead the procession. Humility and modesty are synonymous. Humble men and modest women recognize that the real power in the world is the same power resident within all; their true sense of values is not misdirected toward the temporal goods of life, but rather to the enduring and everlasting qualities.

Humility is inevitable because we are dealing with all types of people. If you put your own status more important than others, then, it would be difficult to attain success in life. Humble men and modest women are more often than not loved and cherished by their followers.

Therefore, it is of vital importance inevitably for anyone who aspire to become successful in life, embraced and practiced the 3 fundamental traits of success, vis-a-vis, affability, benevolence and humility.

Practice the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would like others do unto you!"

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